Podgorica. Montenegro. New Programme – Interreg IPA South Adriatic Italia – Albania – Montenegro 2021-2027 is presented on the Info Day on 23 November 2022 in the University Sport and Cultural Center in Podgorica, Montenegro. Mr. Bojan Vujović, Acting Director of the Directorate for EU Funds, Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro, highlighted the importance of cross-border cooperation while Mr. Alessandro Delli Noci, Regional Minister for Economic Development, Puglia Region, Italy, suggested using as much as possible results of the previously implemented project and avoid overlapping of activities in the new project with those implemented within the framework of the previous programme. That is exactly what the announced new call for project proposals, expected to be released by the end of November 2022, is offering: capitalization of small-scale projects. Capitalization is a process put in place to make sure that valuable results, previously achieved, are used or transferred to other organizations, geographical locations, sectors, time, or other contexts.
Eligible results for capitalization are those achieved within (1) projects of the Interreg CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro in the 2014-2020 period, (2) other funds, programmes, initiatives, projects, geographical contexts, or (3) achieved by project partner’s organizations and widely recognized as a good practice, of which evidence of external or independent assessments shall be provided.
If you have such results, I will be happy to assist you to put together a winning project proposal with one of the following specific objectives:
1. Enhancing growth and competitiveness of SMEs, through joint cross-border actions;
2. Promoting climate change adaptations, risk prevention and disaster resilience with joint cross-border actions;
3. Enhancing biodiversity, green infrastructure in the urban environment, and reducing pollution with joint cross-border actions;
4. Promoting energy efficiency with joint cross-border actions;
5. Developing sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal national, regional and local mobility and connectivity joint through cross-border actions;;
6. Improving skills, access to inclusive and quality services in education, training and life-long learning through developing infrastructure, and joint cross-border actions;
7. Enhancing the role of culture and tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation, through joint cross-border actions;
8. Enhancing governance, efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between clients and institutions.
The expected maximum project size is 200.000 EUR, a project duration of 12 months, and at least one eligible partner per each country (Italy, Albania and Montenegro). I am offering my developed professional network in those countries for assisting you in searching for relevant project partners.
To further discuss, contact me at radoje.lausevic at gmail.com.